Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Work Drama Ending

I am always amazed when I look at my blog numbers.  The posts that get the most views are the ones that have the worst news.  Not sure if that is because people like drama….but it is what it is.
So, here is the final installation of the work drama.  The down and dirty of it….I am leaving… some point.  

Boss has closed all doors for anything.  He is on power trip and basically said the only way that my job could grow is if he gave me part of his job (which I disagree with).  But he doesn’t want it that way.  He wants the structure the way it is.

He also thinks that while he recognizes that staff members have “deficits” in PARTS of their job, he can live with it because of the success they have in other PARTS of their job.  And he doesn’t care that their deficits have a direct impact ON MY JOB (he kept making sure he said “job” vs. “me”).  He is clearly separating that this job is this job….

In the end, he said he understands that I still have a lot of work life ahead of me (as in, retirement is very far away), and he wouldn’t want ANY of his staff to be in a job that they feel unfulfilled.  But he isn’t willing to change anything that could be mutually beneficial.

So it is left that he knows I am not long for this company.  And at some point this is going to end.  But the slap in the face was when he said once he gets someone up to speed, he knows that the JOB will be taken care of.  Meanwhile, it is going to suck for him.  He offered to help if I need anything.  We agreed that the job is mine until I don't want it, and when I am ready to leave, he would appreciate as much notice as possible (which I think is just common courtesy).

I need to formulate what I am looking for in another position (so I don’t just jump from one bad situation to another).  And I need to be true to myself.  I have spent my adult “career” being at the beck and call of someone with an inflated ego, who takes credit for my ideas and work, and being pigeon holed.  No more.

Today is a snow day for the kids, so I am home, which is exactly what I needed today.  I am cleaning, organizing, and clearing my head. 


  1. Onto a new chapter of your life. That's all this will be in a few years. Do let us know what you formulate as far as what you really will be seeking in a new job.

  2. I know what ever you come up with will be great and you will land on your feet. Let me know so I can help. Love and hugs to you. You are a marvelous person and don't you forget that!

  3. Onwards & upwards!! Hope you find something better for you out there! :)

  4. This kind of work stress can be so devastating, but you seem to be even stronger for it. Very best of wishes to you as you look for something more suitable.

  5. You are stronger than this and I know that its hard but you have all of us behind you sending you prayers and good wishes and strength. I know you will come up with and idea even if its a whole different career change

  6. Good for you. How can one grow professionally when the boss is a child himself.

  7. Wow what a mess. Hopefully change comes sooner than later
