My day yesterday was so bad....I can't even re-tell it. By dinner time, I was just sitting on the kitchen floor, laughing. While I realize that there is ALWAYS something worse...the amount of things that went wrong from the moment I woke up was just laughable.
New day....
I am BURIED with work. And with being out for the next two days, I have to make sure it is ALL done, as I am sure by Friday, it will have built up again.
I haven't read much about you all in the past 2 days, as I have barely stopped long enough to pee.
So hoping I will get to catch-up some tomorrow as I am recouping from surgery. And maybe Thursday. But I have a meeting Thursday morning, and need to get Sassy her back to school outfit. So much for recouping!
If I don't respond to your comments right away....sorry! I will get there....just probably not today!
I hope things slow down for you!