Sunday, September 25, 2011

GBU - September 25, 2011

With only one more week to go in September, here are the highlights of the past week....

The Good: 

  • Survived the non-stop meetings (I have a feeling this is going to be a permanent fixture for awhile)
  • Dropped off more stuff to Goodwill (we have dropped off about 20 bags so far).
  • Crossed a few more things off of the master "31" to-do list.

The Bad:
  • G-man continues to drag his feet on finishing paperwork on the car.  This paperwork is worth a few thousand dollars.  I am desperate to grab it back, but trying to let him handle it.  My anxiety level is through the roof on this.
  • Probably have another 10-15 items to ADD to the "31" To-Do I am almost back where I started.

The Ugly:

  • Bought some sandwich meat at the deli.  1.5 lbs of meat, and 3/4 lb of cheese.  Cost:  $23!!!  And this is why I rarely buy sandwich meat.
  • Kids' birthday party is next weekend...of the 10 kids far only ONE is coming.

You know the deal....what are your GBUs this week?????


  1. Sounds like you have a lot of stuff to do, and I hope more kids come to the birthday party.

    The best thing right now for me is the weather! Taking my dogs for walks is much better when it's not 110 degrees outside.

  2. What sort of paperwork for the car is dh supposed to be working on?

  3. @Michelle - sorry about the is humid here, but not hot.

    @Petunia - due to the shoddy work we had done over the past year, we are bring a formal complaint to the state about the shop. We have a huge list of issues. And G-man has been "working" on this since July 2.

  4. Our youngest daughter has her birthday on Thanksgiving every 4 years. It is always the weekend of Thanksgiving. We are either out of town or all of her friends were out of town. We tried the weekend before and after but too close to the Holidays and and then when December rolled around being a dance monkey the Nutcracker season starts. She had B-day party failure one after another. One of our sweetest memories is yet another party failure, no one would be there and her older sister then a senior in high school had her boyfriend and several other friends come over for a 5 year old Birthday party. They wore the hats and played the games. B thought it was the best party ever. She still has a picture of herself surrounded by small adults and herself proudly holding her Barney cake! I hope yours can turn out as well.

  5. I am sure that everyone will come out of the woodwork at the last minute saying they will be there at the party!!!
