Monday, July 11, 2011

R.I.P. Coffee Maker

Nothing like waking up to find out that your coffee maker has gone to the big appliance junkyard in the sky.  It was about 5 years old, so I guess it lived its life, considering we use it every day.

Now I have to find some money in the budget to replace it.  Don't worry....I am not going all fancy dancy.  It needs to have a timer to set it up the night before, and it needs to make coffee.  That is all it needs to do!


  1. I actually have a couple of coffee makers..just in case. Can't live without my cup of joe in the morning...

  2. I, too, have a spare. Could not function without my coffee.

  3. My coffee makers only get used when the kids are home from college...but I admit to drinking allot of tea :)


  4. Just came across your blog and started following. Sorry about your coffee maker! Hopefully your can find an inexpensive replacement soon. :)

  5. We must have our priorities in budgeting. Coffee definitely falls under "needs", not "wants" in our household.


  6. I just got rid of one at my last garage sale... I would have sent it to you for free!!! Luckily you can find them cheap.


  7. just passing by to leave my comment to your interesting post! its awesome!
