Friday, September 23, 2016

Happy Fall, Y'all

Time flies when you have nothing terribly interesting to say!  LOL  We are enjoying the fall....I was able to decorate for the first time in 2 years!  Feels more home-y.  It is still crazy to me that temps are going to be in the 90's this weekend...and we are just over a week away from October.  We have been here almost 10 months!! 


Suffering the typical month after a 3-pay check month woes....none of the paychecks line up to due dates, so it is a little tight at times.  But I am closing in on that stuff.  I am totally itching to pay off the close.  Need to update the numbers...but we are less than $900 away from paying off BOTH cars.  I have a little slush money in that account put aside to make an extra month worth of payment at the end and be done.  Looking like November will be THE month!!!

September was a high kid-centered financial month.  School fees!  Club fees! Scout fees!  This wore out....that broke (nothing major, just a little of this and that).  They don't have lockers at school, so we had to get some things to accommodate for that. I am still not sure how this whole locker thing will work when they have to start wearing jackets and coats (it does get cold in the morning at the bus stop!). 

The kids are FABULOUS. 

Sassy has really settled into high school.  For the first time in a VERY long time...when I asked her how school was yesterday, her response was "it was a great day!" accompanied by a big smile.  She was talkative and gave the run down of her day (which in a 14 year old's life, was a pretty good day).  She joined a club, and met a boy.  Oh here we go!!!  She likes him, and he likes her, and he wants to "hang out" and in the words of my daughter....this is HIGH SCHOOL, Mom....this is a big deal!!!  So we have set some rules and we will see where this goes.  Currently....nothing is going on.  But I am sure this guy will factor into things in the near future. 

Her grades are OUTSTANDING.  We got a very complementary e-mail from her English teacher regarding a recent assignment.  The teacher found her work (it was a peer edit thing) mature, and her critique was along the lines of what an instructor would say.  So very proud of her.  She is diligently working at home on her projects and HW, so right now, I couldn't ask anymore from her.

Bossy figured out the lay of the land very quickly (the school is HUGE....the campus is 4 buildings!).  He settled in beautifully as well.  He was happy that some of his friends from last year were in his classes, and they all eat lunch together.  He was especially happy when his girl friend (the only girl who was in the class last year) returned to school, after an extended medical absence (since April).  We are toying with the idea of facilitating a pizza/movie night for him and his friends as a way of working on socializing outside of school.

He was awarded Student of the Month for September by the principal.  His teacher e-mailed us to say how great he is doing!  He even joined the Yoga Club...which shocked us.  But he loves it and told us how relaxing it is.  His teacher shared with us that he inspired another student to try it out.  So as a whole, this has started out as a stellar year.


I am starting to look for a new job.  As a reminder, I work afternoon and evenings at a tutoring center.  I am very concerned that this business is not going to succeed and don't want to wait until it goes belly up.  I am bored out of my mind.  The owner, who as a person is great and I really enjoy, is not really putting much effort into the business.  He is very laid back (the ironic thing about all of it....he is my "work husband" who is so much like my real husband that it is scary.....and I am exactly like his real wife!).  I keep bringing stuff up that needs to followed up on....and he just doesn't want to do it.  So I will keep looking.

The SAT grading thing isn't working out.  I submitted 2 dozen sessions for October and November for availability, and did not get selected for any.  I have not completed an actual session for them....just all the training.  I may have waited to long to put in my availability.  Any which way you look at it, it isn't working out.


On the health front, my back is FINALLY doing better.  The constant pain is just about gone, and my endurance is increasing.  I am back to walking and feeling like I can actually live again. 

G-man recently went to for a full physical and he is unhappy about some of the effects of getting older.  Hey, aren't we all???  Some tests are being run, just as a precaution.  He is starting to exhibit some symptoms that could mean nothing serious....but given some family history....the doctor just wants to rule things out.  We aren't worried at this point.  However, G-man is finally having to admit he isn't 25 anymore.

Hope everyone out there is a-ok!!!


  1. I am so happy to see Sassy has turned a corner and is thriving! Nothing feels better than having happy kiddos!
    Happy fall!

    1. Absolutely! The happy kids are so much better than the moody ones.

  2. Glad to hear things are looking up, and hey even if there are some issues at least 3 paycheck months are extra money and not less.

    1. Less money stinks. As a whole, we are down so much in income this year that those 3 paycheck moths are awesome.

  3. You sound so much happier. As a mom we need our kids to be happy and feel they belong, so glad Sassy is enjoying school and Bossy too. Cheryl

  4. So happy your kids are doing well. Thank you for the update.

  5. Happy to her from you I get worried. Isn't it great when you get close o a pay off especially on a car!

  6. Since I stopped blogging, I feel so out of the loop! Seems like there's been a lot going on. I'll try to check back more regularly so I keep up with the happenings in your world. Hope all is well :)

    As for me.. finances are still on track (only debt I have is student loans & car), I went to Europe for the first time (England, Scotland, Netherlands), got engaged (wedding date: 4/22/17), got a new dog (a Double Doodle named Chewy 'Chewbacca'), will be moving houses soon (same town), & am actively working on developing a healthier lifestyle, both physically & mentally. Life is busy, but good!
