Friday, July 12, 2013

More randomness

Not sure what to write today. Not in the mood for Fluffy Friday.  So I will grace you with more randomness from the Mind of Mysti.


I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (which is typical).  Went back to bed, and had a rare night time visit from Orange Kitty (We have a Grey Kitty, a White Kitty, and an Orange Kitty).  He typically doesn't come in our room at night.  I was excited that he decided to come and cuddle.  Unfortunately, he settled in between me and G-man.  G-man isn't a fan of kitties in the middle of the bed.  He moved....Kitty jumped down.  Bye kitty.


I am frustrated that my orchid is taking so long to re-bloom.  I knew it would take a LONG time.  But come on little plant.  I am wondering if the pot is too small, but it isn't in regular potting soil, so I have no idea how to replant it.  Gotta look that up.


My brain has been swiss cheese this week.  No idea why.  Everyone at work is just laughing at what is coming out of my mouth.  I said Thanksgiving instead of 4th of July.  I am stumbling over basic things.  It is quite comical.


OK....this is the most boring post ever.  Mysti, over and out.


  1. I had one of those days on Tuesday. I couldn't get the date straight, was very surprised it was already July, kept mixing projects and calling the wrong people. Oh, the wonders of being off work for 1 day... and a Monday at that, no less. Hope your brain patches back up!

  2. I hear ya on the swiss cheese brain. I got up from my desk yesterday to go downstairs to do "something". I got to the bottom of the stairs and stopped and told our receptionist I had no idea why I had just come downstairs! So, I had to go back up to my desk to remember what I was doing (I needed a highligher pen) and go back down to get the pen!

  3. Orchid food. It exists.

  4. That sounded snarky. I meant, it's awesome and it has helped mine tremendously.
