Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We go UP, we do DOWN

In the perfect world, debt would only go DOWN.  I don't live there. On the positive side, the overall debt total did go down, in thanks to our 2nd retirement loan payment and car payments.  The nice thing about those debts....they will never go UP.  One direction only......

You may notice that we paid off the Kids dentist.  Before we get too excited, when I spoke to them yesterday, they had not received payment from the last appointment in April.  Once they get the actual payment, we may have a balance again.  We paid the dentist based on the ESTIMATED insurance.  Our dental insurance is so poor, who knows what they will do.

You may also notice that the adult dentist went UP.  This is because at the last root canal, they had to "build" up the tooth so the crown could be fit.  That little step cost $200.  Add in that G-man has a check-up coming up, and my crown in June....and this number is going to change.

Another possible change is the oral surgeon appointment that we have for Sassy.  If she needs further work.....well, hopefully we have enough left in our FSA, but I am not too hopeful on that arena.  They require a payment plan, and a credit card (no debit cards) and if the balance isn't paid off within 3 months, they will charge your credit card.

Student loan went up slightly, due to my friend interest.  The monthly payment for that comes out of next week's paycheck, so that will be reflected in coming updates.

This month is really tight in general.  My birthday, Mother's Day, and the wedding.  We didn't plan well enough.  That is on us.  We didn't spend alot on gifts, and they were all paid for in cash.  But it was still money that typically goes to something else.  The wedding....we have the cash for the gift.  We will need to take the money for the babysitter out of our savings.

We have been saving up for a new lawnmower as well.  The original plan for that was budgeted in April, but because of the delay in the funding for the retirement loan, THAT plan got changed as well.  We are about $60 from our goal....so in a few weeks we will have a new mower.

Lastly, our gifted money.  MIL gave me $100 for my birthday (and on a side note...my parents haven't done anything).  Half is going toward house stuff.  The other half will go towards something for me.  The larger check....

We will split it up as I mentioned before.  Boat, house, EF, and car.  I know that won't be popular with some of you.  But by putting money aside for future "emergencies" gives me piece of mind that WHEN Murphy stops by, the stress of that visit will be lowered.  And the car....we all know that cars break down and need something.  This will help.

Sorry for the long winded post.....


  1. I think your plans for the gifted money are good. You've got to do what lets YOU sleep at night!

  2. It shouldn't matter if it is popular with your readers. It is what makes sense to you. At least you have a plan with the money and not just spending it haphazardly. :) Having a plan is the smart thing to do! Oh and you are not the only one that lives in a world where debt goes up and down depending on the season of life. I also live there and hate it!

    1. Oh, I know I don't always make the popular decision. But it is my life...good or bad!

  3. It looks like your total debt went down, and the kids' dentist is paid off, at least for now, so that all looks good!

    1. Yep, the overall went down. As I have said before...the medical stuff will always be in a state of flux.

  4. How much are you able to contribute, on an average month, to the Emergency fund? According to my advanced calculations, you have $1,274 saved. Can you reach your $2,000 goal in three months (~$250/month)?

    After the EF is in place, have you given any thought to attacking CC #4 next ($750.90)? If that debt were to go away, you could cross out the entire Credit Card section. I found that when we were paying off our debt, the mental game was very important. You could get a huge psychological boost from eliminating an entire category.

    1. We try and save $100 per month for EF. That is part of the reason we want to put $250 from the gifted money in there....to speed up the process.

      I am not worried about the CC. We are collecting our overtime, and on a quarterly basis deciding what to do with it. Most likely that will take care of the remainder of the CC (since we will be paying on it this month and next month).

      Also remember, that the retirement loan freed up $200 a month, so that will be applied to stuff too.
