Sunday, May 20, 2012

GBU - May 20, 2012

Do you realize that May is 2/3 over????

The Good: 
  • The Wedding was lovely
  • Once the rain cleared out early this week, it left a GORGEOUS weekend!
  • PTA elections were uneventful
  • I got my car clean and hung my crystal
The Bad:
  • Bookfair preparations are WAY behind
  • Kids dentist bill came in, so there went the zero balance
  • Spendy weekend between the Wedding (gift + sitter), scout dinner ($15 + $8 for items we had to bring), groceries, and car wash (we didn't have what we needed to do it ourselves, and it was cheaper to go through the wash then buy it all right now)
The Ugly:
  • Tons to do inside...but it is soooooo nice outside!!!!

You know the deal....what are your GBUs this week???


  1. The Good: The Princess will graduate tomorrow night!!!!

    Tha Bad: Spent WAY more than I wanted on graduation dress (that will be covered up by a ROBE!)

    The Ugly: The IRS just about caused me heart failure when they LOST my tax return, but cashed my check! This has been a SUPER MESS!!!!

  2. The good: I have been able to get a lot of rest and relaxation this weekend, stitching and watching cable movies.

    The bad: I have to go to the doctor for a variety of symptoms that have come together to appear to be something alarming. Hoping it does not mean another surgery, but very afraid that it does.

    The ugly: My best friend's breast cancer has spread to her pleura (lung tissue) and her neck. Radical chemo is now underway, but she is most likely not going to have much time left and she is in a lot of pain. I feel very helpless and wish I could do something for her.

    Do the GBU have to be financial? I can do those too, but I'm a little more focused lately on health issues!

    1. GBU used to be purely financial...but it has expanded. It can be what you want it to be.

      I hope that your health scare isn't as bad as you think. If it makes you feel any better...I may have a surgery coming too.

      And sending healing energies to your friend. I am so very sorry.
