Sunday, March 11, 2012

GBU - March 12, 2012

Did you remember to change your clocks????


The Good: 
  • G-man fixed the light in the basement (no cost).
  • I had some Overtime this week.
  • Low spend week as a whole.
  • Taxes are "done."
The Bad:
  • Might not be worth doing the amended taxes.
  • Mattresses are more expensive than we thought.
  • I am STILL cleaning up from the "dreaded" challenge!!
The Ugly:
  • Still need to do a real grocery shopping...this little here little there needs to stop.
  • Need to find money in the budget for 2 gifts this month.

You know the deal....what are your GBUs this week???


  1. The good: We're getting a HUGE tax refund and will be able to pay to have doors installed on my husband's office and still have money to put back into savings.

    The bad: I spent over $200 on craft supplies and club dues (maybe more than $250) in the last two weeks, which was not budgeted. I only charged $45 of that, but still.

    The ugly: Daylight savings time. Does anyone else think this is an absolutely rotten way to wake up on Sunday morning every March?


  2. All I have is the UGLY... preeclampsia!


  3. The good: Got an unexpected $752.00 to put toward debt!

    The bad: show opens this week and I am still in costume mode!

    The ugly: Hubby ruined a tire doing something stupid and we had to replace all 4 at the cost of $477.00

  4. Good: Saw both of my kiddos this weekend.

    Bad: Gave them their birthday money. :)

    Ugly: Birthday money didn't exactly fit into the budget. (Even though it wasn't much, that amount had to come from another budgeted item.)
