Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Taking Advantage Of The Situation

Oh, I am a rotten mother.  I know I am.  Yeah, I love my kids, and would fight to the death for them.  But today....I am just rotten.

Bossy is sick.  No idea what is the actual ailment.  He was a mess last night, up off and on all night.  So he is home from school today.

G-man offered to stay home (not because he is a dedicated father....just because he didn't want to go to work!), but I said I would stay home with small sick boy.  He then offered again this morning, with the idea that we BOTH stay home and just lay in bed all day.  Um, no.

But the reason I am a rotten mom.....since I am home today....I am going to totally KICK IT in my decluttering challenge!!!  Bossy is tucked in tight on the couch, and just laying there like a lump.  He will probably remain that way most of the day.  Of course I will check him, make sure he has enough to drink.  Rub his head.  But mostly I will be in my bedroom kicking butt and taking names!!!

Might as well take care of it today....the weekend is already full.  And it will feel good to have my bedroom back again.


  1. well I hope you have a productive but uneventful day!! and hope evryone at your house if feeling better.
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  2. Welcome to the gang! I look forward to getting to know you and your crew! I saw that you were an ICU nurse....we have some ICU (well...NICU and PICU) experience around here. ;)

  3. Poor hubby. He just wanted some quality time with Bossy. Or with the bed, remote control and a bowl of cereal. Good luck with the decluttering! Don't forget the photos.

  4. I don't think your are a rotten mom. You are taking advantage of some unexpected time at home. Good luck on the decluttering and hope your little man feels better soon! :)

  5. Mysti...
    I thought you were going to say you would stay home and beat your son to that would be a rotten mom...

    However, decluttering? A hero in my book!!

  6. sounds like a multi tasking mom to me! any time eric gets a break, he takes a full break. i always find ways to do something even when i'm "breaking" . its a disease, really.

  7. LOL! You just sound like a normal mom to me. Do we ever get to just focus on one problem at a time? :-)

  8. Good luck on the bedroom, it is one of my biggies this month! Yuck. Just the closet floor is scary. My night stand drawer.......

  9. I agree with you... If you're gonna get a day at home, may as well be productive! :) Hope your kidlet feels better soon!

  10. Well, you'll definitely achieve more by staying at home than you husband would!! We women are just great multi-taskers!

  11. love what everyone else has to say and agree with them.


  12. Yep, I was always amazed when I stayed home with sick kids, they got taken care of and things got done. When hubby stayed home with them, they got taken care of, but the house was worse than when I left it. LOL Hope he's feeling better and you got your organization done. I tackled mine tonight.

  13. Mysti,

    If you're a rotten mom, then so am I! I don't want my children to be sick but when the worst part is over, I like the downtime afterward when they are worn out from being ill and sleeping a lot. The house is so quiet!

    Saw today's post as well and hope your day gets better soon!
