Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Have Run Out of Deals!

I have wore contact lenses since I was 13 years old.  WAY back in the day, you got one pair a year, and you had this little heat zapper thing to clean them. Eventually I wore daily wear, and threw out the contacts each night.  LOVED IT.  Until I developed an allergy or something to it and couldn't wear those anymore.

So I have worn 2-week wear ones for several years.  It is fine.  I usually order a full year of contacts so I can maximize discounts.  If I order the contacts through the is $30 a box!!!  So I typically search the internet and order from various places.  Same contacts...way cheaper.  Usually around $20 a box.  And if you are a new customer, you can find a coupon code for further discount.

Well, I think I have run out of "first time customer" deals.  I went to sites that I was pretty sure I had never ordered from....and sure enough....years and years ago I did order from them.  Bummer. 

I can find $5 off codes.  MAYBE a 10% code if I am lucky.  But there is a pretty good chance that I will be paying more for my contacts this year than in years past.  PLUS, my brand doesn't have a rebate offer this year (sometimes you get a rebate if you order a full year....but not this year).

I am completely out of contacts, and wearing my glasses, which need to be replaced anyway.  So I need to decide today where I am ordering from.  I am hoping that I can find one last place that is new to me.  But it ain't looking good.

If you wear contacts....where do you order yours?  I have already hit VisionDirect, ACLens, Lens.Com, 1-800-Contacts.  And a few others.  And what do you spend on yours??


  1. I like to use Walgreen personally, they usually have specials for contacts. Right now if you use coupon code SEASON20 it is 20% off and free shipping. Hope this helps!!

  2. (I hate it when replies do not post and are lost!)
    I guess I must be lucky, since I’ve been wearing contacts for 3 years now. My dr recently changed my contact brand because he said my old brand (Avaira/Copper) was on recall status, so he put me on Acuvue. I was able to apply for the $60 new wearer discount (I use biweekly ones), so after that rebate, discounts from Vision Direct (they had a 25% off at the end of last year) and my insurance (bought three boxes from my dr's office to use up my insurance allowance), the total came to about $8.50/box down from a total of about $23/box. Also, they do discounts/rebates if you switch from daily to biweekly to monthly or between brands. Have you tried looking up compare pricing sites? That’s how I found about my contacts… sadly I can’t remember the site, but if I do find it, I’ll let you know. Just google "(contact brand) compare prices".

  3. I can't remember the company I used in Sept of 2010, but I spent around $95 for around 1 years worth of contacts. They have lasted me almost 1.5 years though. I need more though!

  4. @Kimberley - Walgreen's is $23 a box before discount. Once you add in the discount, it is the same price as the "discount" places.

    @Tanner - oh, I have already been to all the compare sites. Honestly, they are all about the same. I just got used to having a new customer code that brought down the price. Now that I am not a new customer is all the same.

    @Michelle - I have been spending about $110 for a year. But it is closer to $140 without my discounts.

    1. Maybe it didn't work for you then, I had four box at $132 discounted for $108 today, sorry about that!

    2. Oh, the discount works. It just isn't any cheaper than other places.

      $23x8 = $184

      184 x .20 = 36.80

      Total - $147.20 which is the same as most of the other places.

  5. Try bestcontacts . Com. It is associated with a store called Americas best contacts and eyeglasses.

  6. @Jenn - just looked at them...they are the most expensive yet!

  7. Mysti, I had lasik surgery and went from legally blind to perfect vision. At your age this would save thousands over the next 20 years. I do have to wear cheaters for up close, but I get those at the dollar store. I would not get this done for years because of the expense and of course we did not have the money. But I was assaulted and did not know who my attacker was because it was early in the morning, I had just woken up out of a sound sleep and I could not identify him. I actually thought he was my husband. On the way home from a police interview I looked at hubby and said I am having my eyes done. He said now much? I told him and we borrowed the money. Best money I ever borrowed and I never regretted it.

  8. I agree with Out my Window. I got the surgery in 2003 and was told it should last about 20 years before my vision declined. I had 20/400 vision and had been wearing glasses since 5. At my last appointment I was still 20/20...9 yrs later. After all I spent on designer frames and contacts (which I eventually couldn't wear anymore because I got chronic dry eye after my 1st pregnany) I am sure I could have paid for the surgery twice. The procedure is cheaper now too.

  9. i just got the surgery and obvs love it.
    however, if thats not an option for you, how about costco? do you have a friend that has a card?

  10. Why can't you open up a new account and have them shipped to work so you can be a "new customer"?

  11. We use Costco, great prices. Call them & compare.
