Saturday, September 17, 2011

A follow up to JUST DO IT

Thursday night I started a list of miscellaneous stuff I had to do.  I was trying to not put the usual cleaning type chores on there.  Just the extra stuff that I needed to do.  At number 31...I got a little sad.  I wasn't even finished with the list and I was already at THIRTY FREAKING ONE!!!

I woke up yesterday and just said...ok....let's just see what we can knock out.  Between 7am and 9:15am, in addition to getting the kids ready for school (you know...breakfast, pack lunches, help tie shoes, etc), I got 8 things crossed off!  And one was prepped and ready to go, which was completed later that day.

In 2 hours (ish), I got through about 25% of my list.  Go me!  I am hoping to get through 5 more things today.

Who is with me???  Are you gonna JUST DO IT????


  1. Awesome!! I have a mile long to do list as well... Hoping to make a nice dent in it today!! :)

  2. Great work! I got up this morning and started tackling my homework instead of waiting until later in the day. I am already finished with all the reading for one class and am starting on the review questions.

    Keep up the fantastic work!

  3. A list of 31 items is overwhelming to me! I prefer to work on smaller or shorter (under 5-10 items)lists. It just works better for me.

  4. that is kind of how I am attacking the garden and yard crap, just do it. I also brushed a great deal of annoying things off my list this week. Just little things that really did not take long just had to be done! Sign two contracts for theaters and return to schools. 10 minutes and I had put it off for weeks. So stupid. Why do we do that? Thanks for the pump.

  5. I have never made it that far on my list! You should really be commended for that!!!!!!!

    Today I have a list with 12 things on it, and I have done exactly 3

