Monday, December 20, 2010

Big Budget Tweeking

Everytime I "think" I got it all.....I find out I am wrong.  Can I just scream for a minute?


Before I tell you why I am screaming, I will tell ya that unless I can side hustle ALOT in the next year, my big plans are going to be really really tough.  Between the possible budget freeze at G-man's office, the stuff I am screaming about, and just the overall increase in the cost of some things......GRRRRR.

So, what am I screaming about...

1)  Christmas savings.  The original plan this year was using the Craigslist money.  Well, we did use that, and then some.  I am being unrealistic on the budget.  Granted, some things I could say no to.....but I didn't.  I think one thing that will change for next year are all the "extra" people that I would really like to give gifts to, but it is too much.  I feel guilty when they ask me what they can get the kids, then I feel like I HAVE to reciprocate. And there went a fair amount of money.  But in my head I had planned to start an ING account for savings.....and that is where it my head.  My budget doesn't reflect saving for Christmas.

2)  Life Insurance.  We are woefully under insured. I know it.  And this is starting to be a stressor for me. Add in that G-man will be 40 in 2011, and I am assuming his rate would increase.  So we really need to nail this down.  Not only for my piece of mind, but for the bottom line of the budget.

3)  Speaking of G-man.......His 40th birthday.  I really do want to make a party for him.  Therefore, I need to save up for it.  Is THAT in the budget.....yeah, no.  After the holidays I will investigate places I can have the party (I really don't want it at my house.....that will set Bossy over the edge.  I want to go somewhere, and have my house to come back to as a safe haven).  I need to figure out some basic costs so I can adjust accordingly.

I stink at the side hustle.  Due to our schedule, picking up side gigs that require me to go somewhere just don't work.  I need side hustle, passive income stream, that can actually produce MONEY.

The stupid thing with this is that none of this has to due with getting out of debt.  This is life.  Yeah, Christmas can be as large or as small as I want....but you have to plan for it.  G-man's birthday.....that is an extra, and I know it. But your 40th birthday only happens once.

There is a large project at work that I might be able to get some extra hours for.  I am also hoping that any overtime that G-man has will not get folded into everyday stuff. I want to transfer that money as soon as it hits our account and let it go. I tend to let it "save" us when we are over budget in an area.  No more......

Back to the drawing board.

1 comment:

  1. Girl - I am so there with you. Trust me on that. I need to do some side hustling myself if I am going to reach my goal of being out of credit card debt by the end of 2013.
