Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Spoke to soon

I do have flea bites.  I am guessing that from holding the cats yesterday, stripping everything, etc.

G-man isn't taking this seriously.  I found a same day delivery vacuum on Amazon for $26...not super powerful, but it's something.  G-man said it won't do anything because it is just a stick vac.  Meanwhile, our replacement part won't be here for at least another week.

The last load of sheets is in the washer.  and we need to do it all again tomorrow.

We have had cats for 16 years.....never dealt with this.  So icky.


  1. Mysti, if it makes you feel better, my daughter has had lice at least 5 times.

  2. If you aren't vaccumming it won't do any good to wash. So sorry it is the heat - without a hard freeze they don't die.

    1. You are right... need the vacuum. Luckily....our part shipped FedEx today so cross our fingers it is here tomorrow.

  3. Flea treat those little buggers. I get mine at walmart for the dog and cats woks great. Although we have only had the problem once when they were introduced to other animals.

    1. Yep...meds have been applied. We got enough for 4 months.

      I am looking at carpet sprinkle stuff, in addition to vacuum. And I also read about making a soapy water flea trap to see when they seem to be gone

  4. Yes, since 1978! The water and light thing works. I usually live with a new scent in the summer--OFF. You aren't supposed to put it on broken skin, but I get desperate.

    You can also get the sticky traps made for mice and insects. They are white, so you can put that under the nightlight.

    Flea eggs can hibernate for years. In an abandoned house, the vibration of footsteps can activate them to hatch.
