Monday, July 1, 2013

Where did you go???

Do you ever wonder what happens to those bloggers who don't blog anymore?

There are those who start a blog, and they never really get into it.  They post alot in the beginning, and then one day....nothing.  My guess is that they "think" it will be fun to share stuff, and then they get busy....and it falls by the wayside.

There are those post "I am back!" and then they are gone.

There are a few PF blogs I read when I started, and they declared themselves debt free!  Yay!  And then they stopped blogging.  I wonder if they are still debt free.

If you fall into one of those categories....but still read.....give us a quick update!


  1. Blogging is a lot of work. I'm just finishing up my third year of posting virtually every day. There are days that I want to say "screw this" because I'm tired and just don't want to. But then, I get an email from someone saying how much money I have saved them, how they can't do without the information I provide, or how much they love my website and I get re-energized. Blogging is a lot like my other job as an educator. I go for weeks and weeks thinking I'm not making a difference, and then one of my students does or says something that makes it all worth it!

  2. Sometimes blogging falls off the stove after it has been placed on the back burner. My evening consisted of attempting to find the thing that died in the garage (think maggots), having a sick baby who pooped on the couch and threw up on me, and the GD ants are back. Where is the time to blog in all that? ;-) I did recently post one of those "I am back" and hope to stay for awhile.

  3. I wonder too as some bloggers I've followed for years now and I wonder how they, and their families are doing.

  4. Ah yes the zombie blogs ;-)

    It's true that you feel connected to the blogs you read. They are missed and like you I wonder how they are doing.

  5. I so agree. There are some bloggers that I've read for years that decide to pack up and leave.

  6. I've found this is the way for a lot of things that thrive in the absence of face-to-face interactions. Forums, online games, support groups, blogs, etc. It's not that they're doing out of spite or don't care, it's just that they are aligning their priorities, and blogging just isn't one of them anymore. It's still sad to see them disappear, but that is the whole nature of this sort of online interaction. I have wondered myself for how long I'll keep blogging after I become debt free. Maybe a few months after? Until the big move? After the move? No idea.

  7. Sometimes things in life just take priority. But I was wondering the same thing. After 2 weeks off being off the chart
    I was shocked at how little my in box was. My blog although the slowest pay off ever I swear is more of a diary for me. It kind of lets off my steam and keeps me some what focused. But I do miss bloggers that disappear. I really miss Judy.

  8. My first two years of blogging were true attempts that fell by the wayside because life was busy. A total of 70 posts ~ 35 each year). Sad. I started to feel guilty that I had time to read everyone else's blog (yours included) but wasn't sharing my own life. So I made a deal with myself that I could not read ANY blogs unless I had written a post. Today, I'm up to 150 posts for this year already. Considering we're at day 183 for the year, I'm not doing bad. Just need to attract more readers! But enjoying it much more now that it's a commitment vs. just an occasional "oops, I should post". Thanks for your post today. Good read!

  9. I can't imagine ever being out of debt - but I would still blog if it happens. There will always be financial goals & ideas to be blogged about :)

  10. I don't know if I count. I've become more sporadic but I still write now and then. Sometimes, I wonder if blogging makes me more stressed because it makes me think about things that are going on that I might be trying NOT to think about if that makes sense. It just seems that those are the kinds of things people want to read about and that's it. No one cares about other stuff it feels like. Which is weird. To me. And now that I play on Google+ so much, I find that a nice little outlet too. I dunno.
    It's funny because I understand why the PF blogs die. It really isn't exciting when your financial life is somewhat under control. It's boring to people for whatever reason to hear, all my bills got paid in time and I'm almost done paying off all my debt. It's like people prefer to hear the crazy stories about that one week no one ate meat so we could pay the light bill or something like that. And I get tired of venting, I feel like such a complainer and there's not much to really complain about! Life's good. I have my health, my kids, my love. We're all gravy!
