Sunday, December 9, 2012

GBU - December 8, 2012

The Pre-Holiday Edition!

The Good:
  • I resurrected the printer!  It died on Thursday and I was worried that the $50 in ink I just bought would be wasted when I had to replace the printer (It is 7 years old).  But I saved it!!  Call me Dr. Mysti.
  • Other than Stocking Stuffers....all the gifts have been purchased and are en route to us (the few that need to be shipped out will be mailed on Tuesday).
  • Ordered 50 holiday cards for $15!  And even got decent pictures of the kids.
  • Budget is still looking good!  We even have a few dollars left.  Once we get past the holidays and we are sure we have taken care of everything, half of the left over money will go to debt, the rest to the "fun" account (aka, saving for furniture).

The Bad:
  • Still working on the decorating.  A few non-holiday things came up this week, and my Little Engine that Could got derailed.
  • The light strand on Sassy's tree must have blown a fuse, as the ENTIRE strand is burnt.  She decided to fore go the lights (except the few at the top) and we will fix it next year (she didn't want to wait to decorate her tree until we could pull the strand off and replace it).  Her tree is 5 years old....and purple.  Maybe we will see about replacing it with a green tree (or white!) after Christmas.

The Ugly:
  • Went over budget for the kids individual budgets, but it worked out because I was under budget in other areas. 
  •  Feeling bad that my friend spent so much on my kids.  I know it is her money and her choice....but she spent double what I spent on her and her hubby (no kids in their house).

  • Sassy decided to make something for Daddy for Christmas.  Since Daddy likes music, she made him a "rock and roll" play set.  She built a stage out of a box, included seats, entertainers, instruments.  Now Daddy can have hours of fun!  She must have spent hours making this.
  • In the car, we were talking about what the kids were getting for Daddy for Christmas, and Bossy said to his sister....wait, we have to get Mommy something!  Thanks Bossy for remembering.  :)

You know the deal....what are your GBUs this week?


  1. Aw, love the gift from Sassy & Bossy's comment. Too sweet.

  2. The Good: Shopping is done.
    The Bad: Still have baking to do for co-worker gifts and I hate to cook. Also have to make cupcakes for my third graders' Christmas party. Yuck!
    The Ugly: Murphy has decided to visit and leave some gifts. A leaky faucet, my husbands blown out work shoes, and a squeaky belt on my vehicle that needs to be looked at.
    The Great: Only a week and half left of school before Christmas break! :))). Husband's bonus will be ready for next week. And the school board decided to give the teachers a $300 bonus this year! First year in the history of our school system! :)

    1. Boo Murphy!!!!! Hoping that none of the aforementioned turns into a long Murphy stay (or an expensive one!!)

      Congrats on the bonuses!

      Question...if you hate to cook, why are you cooking/baking for co-workers? I saw a cute idea to make vanilla extract (basically vodka and vanilla bean in a bottle). Just a thought that might take less time and not involve real cooking or baking.

  3. I usually bake because I can give to several people without spending a lot. The vanilla sounds like a good idea though. Do you have a link to the recipe?

    1. I looked for a "recipe" for you, but most of them just said put vodka in a 4 oz bottle. Take 1-2 vanilla beans, split. Stick vanilla bean in bottle and steep for a month.

      There was also vanilla sugar....even easier, and cheaper! Split vanilla bean, stick in a container of sugar. Done. Basically you can buy Mason jars, and probably do a dozen (no idea how many you need, so adjust accordingly) in under 10 min.
