Saturday, March 3, 2012

Didn't quite get there

My list from yesterday of 13 things to do between 3pm-9pm?  I got 9/13 done.  Not horrible.  But not complete.

Crazy Scouting weekend.....hoping to check in at some time, but lots to tell you for next week!!!!  Stay tune!


  1. Wow, that's still a great number of things to accomplish is a short amount of time. Pat yourself on the back!!

    Hope you have a restful weekend.

  2. Only 9??? Girl, you still rocked it!

  3. 9 out of 13? That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! You did great Mysti!!!!! Be proud of what you accomplished. Hope you have fun with your kiddos and their scout stuff this weekend! :)

  4. Mysti, remember sometimes I put brush teeth on the top of my list so I can cross something out!

  5. Hi Mysti! I am impressed by 9 items, that is pretty good in my book. Been reading your blog for awhile and finally figured out how to become a follower...not the most techish person out there, I guess. :) Just didn't want to you to see this person pop up and be like "who is that weird stalker?" Love your blog, keep it up!
