Friday, August 12, 2011

A Beautiful Friday

The weather here is PERFECT.  Low 80' humidity.  I am going to try and enjoy it and not stress over all the stuff going on.  Days like this are rare, and sometimes you have to stop and enjoy it.

My weekend will be busy....working on my resume!  There is a job that is 1.4 miles from my house that I KNOW I can do.  I just have to convince them!!  I know if I can just get my foot in the door, I can seal the deal with interview.  I am great at interviews.  Now I have to make my resume reflect that I am more than a glorified office girl.....and of course the 5 years that I was home with the kids is understandable, but still looks lousy.

Any resume gurus out there???


  1. You and I are on the same page today :) I can't offer any resume help, but I hope you have a great day!


  2. Today feels so nice out! It's been around 110 degrees for the past month or two and it's finally in the 80's here. I've never been so grateful.

    I'm very good with resumes if you need any help! When I graduated from college in 2010, everywhere I applied told me I had a great resume and that it was way better than nearly everyone else's. I also had tons of job offers.

  3. you can totally do this! Sending good vibes your way!!

  4. I am great at resumes, mine stood out in afield of 4,000. I was one of fifteen that were interviewed. Your resume should be tweaked to fit the position you are applying for. Your resume should have some accomplishments for each position. The accomplishment should be in a action/result style. For example: Implemented material requirements planning system, reducing raw materials inventory 20%. Good luck.

  5. Good luck with applying for the job! One way to get the interview is to hound them every day until they break down and agree -- a friend did this, and they told her they were going to grant her the interview only because of her persistence. But she got the job! Anyway, make out your best resume possible, then hound them like no other :-)

  6. Sending good thoughts


  7. Mysti, I hope you had a great Friday! Good luck with the job. We had a office wide meeting today and our company just can't find any people to meet the business demand. We also had a CEO from another company come in and they have the same issue, just can't find enough resources in the US. They have close to 3,000 openings!


  8. Really? Where are they looking? There are plenty people looking for work where I am. Anyway, good thoughts about the resume going your way.

  9. BMC Software, local Houston company
