Monday, August 16, 2010

The Cat In The Hat

I am assuming that you all are familiar with the classic story.  But just in is a link that explains it.

The Cliff Notes version....rainy home....mischievous cat comes over and causes chaos.

This, my friends, is the story of today, and probably the next 2 weeks.  Kids are out of camp now, so G-man and I have rearranged our schedules to accommodate the child care need.  I will be home 3 days a week, and work full days the other 2 (vs the 4 half days I usually work).  It is raining today.....which makes for excellent sleeping weather....if I could sleep!!!

The kids aren't bored "yet" as it is only 8:15am.  But give them a few minutes.  I am sure it will happen.

The proverbial "Cat" is about to come out.  In Mysti world, this takes form as "all those projects I haven't quite gotten too."  Ut oh.  Look out.

Today's agenda.....making zucchini bread, laundry.  A few phone calls.  Oh, and take pictures of TONS of stuff I want to sell on Craigslist.  And if we aren't careful....over the course of the next two weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if I started priming the walls in the hallway.

I have a ton of back to school things to do....but they aren't in the budget this week.  Kids need shoes, haircuts.  New lunch boxes.  Oh, and their birthday is next weekend, and while their gifts are picked out....again, the purchasing of the items (fish tank for her, desk for him) is out of next week's pay.

As if I don't have enough on my plate I also:
  • Would like to take the kids to the library at some point.  
  • Am trying to meal plan and possibly cook in batches to freeze.
  • Am still working on my blog makeover that I won.
  • Need to take Bossy to Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy.
  • Need to go by the school to drop off medical supplies.
  • Want to bring clothes to the consignment shop.
  • Want to look into some side gig ideas.
  • Possibly will have some work to bring home with me tomorrow.

See how that "Cat" is creeping out!!!!!  All sorts of CHAOS!


  1. Wow! I thought I was busy... not even close to you :) Advance Birthday wishes to Bossy and Sassy!!!

    Congrats on 1 yr blogging anniversary! After getting frustrated for 4 months of blogging, I really really appreciate bloggers better now :) Congrats again!

  2. Way cute post! I hope that you were able to accomplish your to-do list.

  3. Mysti,

    Have you revealed your income on the blog? So cool how you're about to hit 10% debt paid off!

  4. I am digging through the to-do list. I made 5 loaves of bread the other day!! I will update on the to-do list at the end of the summer.

    @whitney - not sure if I have talked about our income. That will be another post, I guess. ;)
