Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly - May 2, 2010

None of these are Earth Shattering events, but every week can't be that exciting.  If it was, I don't think I would make it!

The Good:  When I scheduled my on-line payments, I remembered FOOD.  I almost got caught up in the excitement of paying down things that I forgot to account for those everyday things.  I did schedule the payments, and then went back and changed one.  Good thing, because Sam's Club would have killed us this week.

The Bad:  Expired coupons.  Lots and lots of them.  Stuff I meant to go back and get and never did.  Good bye coupons!

The UGLY:  I got a reminder card from the vet for one of our cats' annual check up.  It was due in March.  Oops.  I am usually good about this stuff.....oops.  Guess I need to make sure I put that money aside (as well as start saving for the other two cats' check-ups at the end of the summer).

So, how about you.....what are your GBU for the week?

1 comment:

  1. We are a pet-loving family, but when push came to shove (about 8 years ago) I finally got it through my thick noggin' that annual checkups just weren't necessities! A hard thing to decide, but had to do it.
