Monday, April 26, 2010

Another Financial Goal for the year complete!

One of my 2010 financial goals was to open an ING account for long term saving goals.  I would like to thank  Jeff at Deliver Away Debt for providing me a referral link for ING Direct.

G-man and I are the proud new owners of an Orange Savings Account (look....he has my eyes!), nicknamed "Home Improvement."  Our tax refund is set to transfer as soon as the electronic banking gods deem us worthy of the account.

Once we are secure we like this...we plan on opening several more accounts and budget in a small amount to fund them.  Things like camp for the kids, car repair, and vacation (I had this WONDERFUL idea that I was going to save a nickel or dime for every dollar we repaid.  Well, that hasn't happened yet.....but I am gonna try and make it happen),

As I have frequently gets used up around here if in a collective pot.  Gotta have separate pots!

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